Yes, the title is meant to catch attention, and I address this head on in the post and explain exactly what I mean by it.
Have you actually used GraphQL? The UI does not have to massage any data with GraphQL because it can get the data in the exact shape it wants with no massaging at all (one of main benefits of GraphQL). Any component/view in your stack can request the data anyway it wants to which is awesome.
Also, I assure you that all of this is based on my teams very “real world” and year-long experience fighting unwieldily state management and finding a reprieve with GraphQL.
Of course some scenarios will be different than ours but GraphQL solves a lot of very common problems that Redux and similar libraries are used for and has allowed us to reduce our code a lot.
Several other large and “real world” companies have had similar results FWIW.
Some amount of skepticism of new tech. is always good but give it a fair shot. It’s helped us a ton and been super fun to work with.